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Monday 12 March 2012

Open the vault of Cosmo Jarvis

Now here's an interesting idea from Cosmo Jarvis through Soundcloud. I'll let him explain, very honestly, how it works.

Hello there. I have lots of music that will never be released. The quality (on various levels) of some of it may not be up to regular standard because I was much younger when some of these tracks were badly recorded by me. I mean seriously, some of this stuff is a little bit shit but some of its OK. According to Facebook you all have 9,573,323 friends. 9,553,392 people don't know i exist but you can help me change that a little bit by unlocking songs from my vault. Every week I’m going to release two songs in the vault through Soundcloud. If the post I make reaches 200 shares then the song with the most support in the comments will be given away as a FREE download, the other will remain as a stream. So all you really gotta do is share it with your friends by clicking the share button and hopefully enough of you share it.

Now Cosmo is a very interesting character as I discovered in my interview for Mudkiss with him with him last year.

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