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Friday 15 July 2011

Djevel - Dodssanger

Although a fan of hard rock music for many years, I'm only a recent convert to the more extreme metal, a friend through Ping, feeding me band after band to explore the Thrash, Death, Hardcore and Black genres.

Through hardcore Norwegian outfit Kvelertak, I came across Djevel and their debut album "Dodssanger"
(the two sharing a vocalist in  E. Hjelvik) a classic example of the power and sheer intensity of Black Metal, although incorporating melodic undertones.  Opening with the sound of steel rasping against steel, before hurling the listener into a plethora of feedback induced, distorted  guitar mayhem with a variation of diabolical and cleaner vocal styles. An additional highlight, a number of the endings almost a sign of tracks being discarded, sodomised and thrown into a corner of the studio, only to be picked up and ravaged at a later date as and when required.

"Dodssanger" is a great album, darkly brutal in only a way black metal can be, although here is my dilemma. How much of Black Metal is fantasy and theatrical, lyrical themes used to support a sound, you can't throat rip about tiptoeing through the tulips, or walking on sunshine, it would appear ridiculous and completely out of context.  How much however is founded upon beliefs and lifestyles?

Although I can't call myself a religious person, I have attended church and have a number of friends who are religious and I fully respect their views.  By listening to Black Metal, am I condoning evil, admonishing myself of responsibility as much is in a different language.

On one occasion, headphones on, Ulver blasting my eardrums, I literally had to turn the ipod off as I approached a church, feeling uneasy about that vocal and sound in that particular environment.  Perhaps I'm thinking too deeply and perhaps Black Metal is more pantomime than demonic worship............although the simple fact I'm expressing myself in this way means I'm really not sure.

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